This week we completed the second edition of the Malaga Agile Meetup. This time, we held a Lean Coffee meeting. Once again, the attendance was incredible; the 30 available seats were filled in a short time and the waiting list was growing right up until the day of the event. Our agile community continues to grow – currently, we have 141 enthusiasts.
A Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, build an agenda themselves, and begin talking. Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated.
We began by collecting all of the interesting topics for the audience. People wrote their topics for conversation on a post-it and placed it into the “to discuss” column. We collected 12 topics. After we merged similar topics and voted on them, we had a list of 10 topics.

- Scrum in small teams ( 3 or 4 people)
- Bugs management.
- Visual Board vs Application
- Cross-functional teams
- Sprint planning: Split user stories into tasks.
- Lean Trading
- Is the deploy in the sprint?
- Estimations VS No Estimations
- Stakeholders interferences to the team
The discuss process was very simple. We spoke for 10 minutes about the most voted topic. When the time was up, we asked the audience if they wanted to continue with this topic, or they preferred to discuss the next one. We only had enough time to fully discuss 4 of the 10 collected topics.

This was a great experience overall. We shared a lot of experiences and spoke about the most interesting topics for the audience. All of this was conducted in a safe and motivated environment, where the only objective was to share our knowledge, learn from others, and have a fun time with a beer in our hands.
To finish, we had some time for networking and for sharing doubts and experiences.

To wrap up the event – and to learn how to improve these collaborative moments – we collected some feedback about it, by using our feedback door game.

We hope to see you at our next event! Will you join us?