After our agile adventure in Vitoria (CAS2016) we come back empowered and with a lot of energy to create an agile community in Málaga. Using this wave of power we decided to create the first Malaga Agile Meetup.
Our main objective with the meetup is to collect all the agile enthusiasts in Málaga with energy to meet frequently for talking about agile methodologies, team dynamics, and kaizen philosophy. We want to create an open space for everyone with inquietude to continue growing and learning new tools, concepts, and experiences.
The acceptance has been incredible. We currently have 103 members in the group, with only a few existence weeks.
On 15th March we had the first Agile Málaga Meetup at Ebury office. The 30 available seats were filled in record time and the waiting list was growing right up to the event day.
In this first meetup, we shared two presentations: “Introduction to Scrum and Kanban” and “Retrospectives are like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows, how to do it …”

You can read the slides here.
We had incredible audience participation, it was very useful and gratifing. It was not a simple talk, it was a dialog between all the people involved, sharing experiences, completing concepts, clarifying others point…
Between the talks and at the end, always with a beer in our hands, we had some time for networking.
As agile enthusiasts, at the end of the talks, we ask the audience some feedback using our feedback door game 😉

We hope see you at our next event!! Are you in?