In a stroke of brilliance, we decided to name this first entry ‘Hello world’, precisely because that’s the main objective. We want to say hi to all of you who have discovered this blog and show you what constitutes the tech in Ebury’s fintech.
Three years ago, our tech team was composed of no more than three members and we worked in a small incubator in Malaga’s science park. Now we’re over 50 people strong, with further expansion planned and enjoying city centre offices in Malaga and London. Aside from stress, this rapid growth has caused the accumulation of a vast bank of knowledge that we’re eager to share with the world.
We could talk about how to introduce a quality focused team inside a workflow where the start-up prototype became the main application or how to migrate your infrastructure from a VPS to a cloud service like Amazon. The danger of taking Agile methodologies too seriously and the day you realise your services are struggling and you need to create a separate cluster, are potential topics. We might uncover how to deal with continuity when you start providing 24/5 services or the difficulties of switching the whole architectural philosophy from SOA to microservices.
This is just a glimpse of the challenges and triumphs we have encountered over the years and reflects how our tech team has grown and prospered as part of this promising fintech company. As far as we can see, there are no limits to how far we can take this! We consider ourselves small Spartans that are becoming leading professionals and we’re proud of this!
You’re welcome to follow and get to know us, to take advantage of the hours we’ve spent cracking these problems (including the headaches and cold sweats!), to collaborate and share your stories and, even, to come work with us!
Welcome to Ebury Labs.