It’s been 2 months since we travelled to Paris in order to attend the dotCSS and the dotJS, both part of the dotConferences series of developer events.
We would like to share with you what we have learnt and to do that, we have created a presentation in HTML, CSS and JS using all the new and cool techniques that were presented in the conference!
You can also view it in full screen using this link:
Obviously, you can take a look at the source code on GitHub (, so you can check how the techniques mentioned before are being applied in real-time to the slides.
This presentation was also used internally in our tech office. One of the things we really like to do after coming back from a conference is to prepare a brief summary for sharing all we have learnt with the rest of our colleagues at Ebury. This way, they can also benefit from what we received at the conference.
In a bigger picture, we were looking forward to new ideas and inspiration that could help contribute to improve our front-end development and we can truly say that we received more than that.
The dotCSS conference brought us closer to some of the best developers and personalities in the CSS world, for instance Håkon Wium Lie – co-inventor of CSS, or Chris Lilley – W3C Technical Director.
As said at the beginning of the presentation, we have highlighted only the points that are more relevant for the current and future projects we have in our backlog but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the conference was not interesting, it was actually quite the opposite! Hence, we have included a small summary of the topics we haven’t covered at the end of the presentation. Moreover, thanks to the great guys behind The dot Post, you can see them all online on this page.
Finally, we would like to congratulate all the speakers and the entire organisation team of the conference. We had a lot of fun, it was very well organised and all the speeches were interesting and inspiring. We simply cannot wait for the next dotCSS conference!
P.S. Another post for the dotJS conference will be posted in the future, so stay tuned!